Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Nice Pants. Let's Trade.

Let's face it, you can only get control of your time to the degree to which you stop doing some of the things that you are doing today. You cannot simply find ways to do more things, to work harder or longer hours. You have to stand back and look at your life and objectively and ask: "What am I going to stop doing so that I have enough time to do the most important things in my life?"

Before you start a new task, remember that your closet is full. You are already overwhelmed with more clothes, out-dated outfits, ugly shirts and torn pants. Get rid of the pants that don't suit you anymore and make room for a new pair.

The very act of thinking through what you are going to stop doing is a tremendous help in setting accurate priorities before you begin. Never lose sight of what you are actually trying to achieve and make sure that your actions every day with where you want to go every single day.

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